As I'm still waiting to be able to post more pics, let me just complain for a moment.
For anyone thinking I'm leading a life of leisure, I can assure you, it is hardly that exciting. London is an exciting city to be sure, but most days I'm at home. On the days I have no reason to NOT sight-see and still hang at home, well, I really have nothing to say for myself. But on the days when I need to be home for various reasons, it is extremely frustrating when I miss those various reasons. Take today: I had ordered dog food. Something seemingly easy to order online and get delivered. But no. NOT EASY. I know it's going to get delivered in about 48 hours, but there is no way in this country to track your package. So, I sit around doing absolutely nothing until Chewie gets restless and demands his daily walk. Then, we are gone for about a half hour, maybe 45 mins and in that amount of time, someone tries to deliver the package to no avail. Let me run through this again: We get no confirmation of delivery time/date; there isn't a call to let me know the package is on it's way; they will not leave anything at the door, and; my only option is to let them try to deliver it tomorrow. I will be held hostage in this house until this stupid dog food comes!
Another annoyance while I'm at it: Our shipment of our US home goods has yet to come. Supposed to come today. Now they say Thursday. I will believe it when I see it. Which will just add to the number of days I will be hanging around the house. Adding to it all, Gavin is traveling for work tonight and will travel again next week. I can just about handle being alone all day when I know Gavin will be home for dinner. But I'm on my own tonight. Ugh. Frustrating.
p.s. I think this is what it means to "blog."
How can they be so up-to-date in some ways and yet not!