Monday, April 11, 2011


Though our time there was brief, we had the most wonderful hosts: the Aberdeen McKays. We didn't expect the amount of time, home and hospitality they afforded us but we truly appreciated every minute spent together. Hopefully our paths will cross again with both the Aberdeen and Inverness McKays.

Our first day brought us to an extensive kilt shop in downtown Aberdeen, yet another beautiful castle and grounds and a spring salmon stream (although none were jumping at that location quite yet.) The next day we took in the view of the busy Aberdeen harbor before driving down the coast to the imposing Dunnottar Castle. We then, regretfully, parted ways with the McKays to begin the final leg of our Scottish journey in Edinburgh.

Chewie, thoroughly enjoying the sun porch

 lovely home of the Aberdeen McKays

such a pair

walking Crathe Castle grounds

I can just imagine the salmon jumping

Aberdeen Harbor

the walk into Dunnottar Castle

along the coast near Dunnottar

lots of rain and sun make rainbows!


  1. Love the one of Gavin and Chewie! It's not often Gavin is posing without his go-to doufus-photo face. Nice work.

  2. Jennifer stocke20 April, 2011 23:06

    I agree the photo of Gavin anf Chew shoulld be on a post card somewhere fantastic
